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One of the priorities for our DSA members is to establish distilling Industry Standards for use in government and regional approvals and oversight.

At the moment we would specifically like feedback from members on their experiences with registration under the Food Act 2014 and any learnings that may assist others who are embarking on the National Programme 3: ( ).

To run a business under the Food Act, you need to register with your local council or MPI. The organisation you register with depends on where you operate, and what type of plan or programme you need. There are 3 levels of national programmes, which are based on the food safety risk of the activities of a business. You should use National Programme 3 (for medium to higher risk businesses) if you “Brew, distil, manufacture alcoholic beverages (not including wine), vinegar or malt extract.”

We are seeking examples of any issues and successes from members that have been encountered to date eg: interpretation of food safety and suitability in a distillery, record taking and auditing plans, maintenance, track and trace, experiences with your verifier. etc

You can reply here or send us an email at if you have anything to share.