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We ask you to seize any opportunity to engage with members of Parliament to discuss the challenges we are facing. To help with your discussion here are a few helpful documents

  1. A letter for you to send to the Minister and your local MP regarding a request for a temporary freeze on excise increases.  – have a look, amend as you wish and update where indicated to make it more personal.
  2. A list of politicians – please ensure you check that your local MP is correct….
  3. Use these talking points if you give your local MP a call when discussing a longer term request for an excise rebate scheme. These talking points are designed to showcase the problems and the solutions to fixing them.

The current update from the government is they are yet to decide on the excise increases and everything is on the table.

The reality is; we have a new government that’s pro business and every email and conversation helps, but we need every member to step up and at minimum email. On average it will take no more than 30 minutes as we have we have typed the letter for you, provided a list of politicians and provided suggested talking points as well if you meet them.

If we sit on our hands and use the above excuses it’s quiet simple our industry won’t have a voice and there won’t be any change the choice is yours!

So what are you gonna do?

If you can only do one thing right now, send a letter to the Minister and your local MP regarding a temporary freeze on excise increase.

CC so we track engagement with the Ministers and giving us additional advocacy support.